ENTRY [001]

12/14/2023 01:06PM

Well folks, this it! Whooo
Wow, are you guys excited?🎉😸
I know I am not really. 
Welcome to the first post of my personal blog LOG | 1251. I suppose I should explain what my intentions are for this brand new baby 🐣 blog. 
I plan to use this blog to document all the ups & downs all the tears & laughter that will be my personal journey. 
A personal journey of teaching myself how to write computer programs. I plan to share it in its entirety from my first "hello world" all the way up to releasing my first App on the Google Play Store. So basically the story of me accomplishing my goals. I hope it will be entertaining and inspiring for the reader.
Ok well I guess I need to get to work then 🫡.
... .. . .. . 🫥
Well, 😶
Right after a quick nap then I'll start I promise 💤 🥱.